Firefighter Position

Yakima Fire Department - Firefighter



The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Yakima Fire Department - Firefighter

Last updated on March 27, 2025
PST Partner Agency since April 02, 2013

Vacancies: 3

Community Information

Yakima is located in South Central Washington where the Naches and Yakima Rivers join. Yakima leads the way to the Cascade Mountains. It also opens up wonderful opportunities in the fruitful Yakima Valley.

The 300 days of sunshine and breathtaking sights beg those who experience it to take advantage of the wonderful outdoor activities. Included are camping, fishing, kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snow boarding and boating to mention a few. For entertainment, Yakima also offers the turn-of-the-century Capitol Theatre, the Yakima Valley Museum, the Visitors and Convention Center, and the Central Washington State Fair.

The Yakima Valley is known for production of forest products, manufacturing aircraft parts and supplies; and machinery used in food product packaging. The main industry is agriculture that flourishes through producing and processing tree fruits, hops, mint, vegetables, livestock, dairy and wine. The extended growing season and rich soil provide the perfect conditions to produce grapes excellent for wine making. The Wine industry in the Yakima Valley has boomed in recent years, with international recognition of Yakima wines and vineyards.

The active participation of Yakima's citizens was recognized in 1994 and 2015 when Yakima became an "All-America City". Community members and leaders are proud of their achievements and stand firm in the commitment to work together to keep Yakima a beautiful and thriving community.

Department Information

The Yakima Fire Department welcomes your interest in joining our fire department. We encourage you to contact us should you have any questions.

The Yakima Fire Department is an all-hazard career fire department that provides fire suppression (wildland and structural), non-transport emergency medical services, technical rescue (high/low angle, swift water, confined space, trench) hazardous materials response (technician level), and aircraft rescue and firefighting emergency services. Our call volume has been increasing every year with a year-end total for 2021 of just short of 13,000 calls. The department currently employs a total of 140 personnel consisting of 104 full-time employees that make up the fire division and 36 that make up our 911 communications division. We provide emergency services to the City of Union Gap, Yakima County District #11, and Yakima County Fire District #10 through contracts for fire protective services. The department’s total service area for the City of Yakima, along with the contracted areas encompasses an area of approximately 36.2 square miles. We operate out of six fire stations located throughout our response area with their exact locations shown on the fire department website.

The Yakima Fire department responds to an above average number of structure fires on a regular basis. If you desire to work for a fire department that averages a working structure fire once every three to four days, then Yakima Fire Department is the department for you. After completing our in-house twelve week training academy and becoming IFSAC Firefighter I certified, you will be assigned to a shift to finish out your one-year probationary period. The members of your shift are a dedicated team of firefighters and company officers that will teach and mentor you from their first-hand on-the-job experiences to provide you the training and skills necessary for a long-lasting career in the fire service.

We look forward to interviewing and hiring successful candidates.

Area Information

County: Yakima
Population: 100,000
# of Staff: 140

Hiring Status

Yakima Fire Department - Firefighter has 3 vacancies.

The eligibility list is a continuous listing and maintained as scores are received from PST with oral board interviews conducted on an as-needed basis. Vacancies are filled by Civil Service "rule of three" with the top three candidates forwarded to the appointing authority for background investigation & selection as vacancies occur.

Current Vacancies: 3                                                           

We are also creating a list of eligible candidates for future hires

Salary Information

$30.94 - $41.95 Hourly
$6,762.96 - $9,169.57 Monthly

Benefit Information


The City of Yakima is a premier employer in the Yakima Valley with extensive opportunities for training and growth. The City offers a competitive benefit package including:

  • Longevity pay starting at 2.0% after 4 years
  • 2% bilingual/biliterate English/Spanish special pay
  • Specialty pay including Acting, Investigator, Technical Rescue, etc.
  • Comprehensive medical, dental and vision coverage
  • FREE healthcare clinic!
  • WA State LEOFF II pension membership
  • 4% City contribution to 457 deferred compensation plan
  • Leave accruals:
    1. Vacation – Starting at 14.5 hours/month
    2. Sick – 24 hours/month
    3. Observed holidays – 132 hour bank annually on January 1st
  • $100,000 Life Insurance
  • Much more!

Yakima Fire Department - Firefighter Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) Yes, required. Our agency will only accept PST’s CPAT

Your CPAT must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

PST Personal History Statement Yes, required within 7 days of passing required exam(s)  
Minimum Age 18
Citizenship US Citizen / Lawful Permanent Resident / DACA-Recipient 
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Current State driver’s license required by time of test. 
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult None.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile Will be carefully reviewed
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Vision Requirements Must pass physical examination
Multiple Scores from Same Applicant Once an applicant’s score is received from PST it will be placed on an eligibility list and it is valid for 1 year. Yakima FD will not consider any other score until that 1 year has passed and the score expires. At that time Yakima FD will consider the next available score from the applicant.”
Request/Access Scores On an as-needed basis as vacancies occur

Yakima Fire Department - Firefighter Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier
Potential Driving records will be carefully reviewed
Drug Usage
Potential Illegal opiate use
Potential Hallucinogen use within past 10 years.
Potential Other drug use outside these standards will be considered on case by case basis
Potential No illegal sale of ANY drug, including marijuana.
Potential Pattern of illegal use of prescription medication.
Potential Any use by injection of amphetamines/methamphetamine.
Potential Use of cocaine over fire times regardless of time frame
Potential Use of non-prescribed oral or injectable steroids over five sequences/cycles within the last 2 years.
Potential Use of marijuana or hashish over 15 times.
Potential Use of amphetamines/methamphetamines over five times.
Potential Any use of crack cocaine.
Potential Any use of free-based cocaine/paste.
Potential Any use of marijuana within the last year.
Potential *** Above are some typical disqualifiers, however the list is not all inclusive. All previous drug history information will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine suitability.
Criminal Activity
Automatic Any adult felony conviction
Automatic Any misdemeanor, or felony conviction while employed in a criminal justice capacity
Potential Adult misdemeanor convictions will be carefully reviewed
Potential Juvenile felony conviction will be carefully reviewed
Automatic Been convicted of any crime under a domestic violence statue.
Automatic Unlawful sexual misconduct.
Potential Previous criminal convictions, illegal, immoral actions will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine suitability
Automatic Been dishonorably discharged from the United States armed forces.
Automatic Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Automatic Falsified his or her application, personal history questionnaire, or any other forms during hiring process.
Automatic Previous revocation or denial of (CJTC/POST) certified status, or suspension of current (CJTC/POST) certified status.
Potential Employment history will be carefully reviewed.
Automatic Failure to pay income tax or child support
Potential Current credit accounts, or unresolved accounts in collection will be carefully reviewed