Law Enforcement Officer Position

Washington State Gambling Commission - Special Agent (Certified)



The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Washington State Gambling Commission - Special Agent (Certified)

Last updated on August 29, 2024
PST Partner Agency since October 17, 2019


Who We Are

The Washington State Gambling Commission is a state-accredited, limited-jurisdiction law enforcement agency whose mission is to protect the public by ensuring that gambling is legal and honest.  We are the second oldest gambling agency in the country and the only statewide agency that licenses and regulates an estimated $3.5 billion gambling industry comprised of Tribal, commercial, and nonprofit businesses.

Why Join Our Team?

When asked to provide a few words to describe our agency, our employees used these:

  • Flexible
  • Supportive
  • Family-Oriented
  • Variety 
  • Teamwork

Our core values of Integrity, Professionalism, Respect, and Diversity are integrated in all aspects of every position.  We are a tightknit agency of 119 employees when fully staffed.  If you are interested in working in an environment where employees matter, are recognized for their contributions and wish to make a difference, this may be the Agency for you!

There are two divisions in this profile:  Regulation and Enforcement and Tribal Gaming Agent. Please view the details of each position below. 

Contact Information

Washington State Gambling Commission - Special Agent (Certified)

4565 7th Avenue SE
Lacey, WA 98503 N/A County


Agency Test Requirements
Written Examination: Yes, required
PAT: Yes, required


The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Washington State Gambling Commission - Regulation and Enforcement

Last updated on February 21, 2025
PST Partner Agency since October 11, 2019

Important Information

Thank you for considering our department.

Currently, we do not anticipate hiring in the near future, however, should we experience any unexpected vacancies, we will immediately access our candidate list and begin a hiring process.

For that reason, we still welcome you to test for our agency.

Important Information Related to PST’s New Written Exam Beginning March 1, 2025

Our agency will continue to accept candidates from the current test (administered before February 28, 2025) until June 1, 2025.

If you are scheduled to test before February 28, 2025, RESCHEDULE FOR A DATE AFTER MARCH 1, 2025. Rescheduling fees have been waived.

If you have not yet registered for a test, please schedule a test date after March 1, 2025.

Community Information


Department Information

Regulation and Enforcement Unit - Agents assigned to this unit are based throughout the state.  Agents regulate licensed gambling and provide technical assistance to gambling operations, and work with numerous licensee groups and law enforcement agencies.  Agents also investigate criminal cases for the prosecution of illegal gambling activities and gambling related crimes.

Area Information

# of Staff: 119

Hiring Status

As a Washington State law enforcement officer, Special Agents are required to complete a basic law enforcement academy. If you do not currently hold a law enforcement certification, you will have the opportunity to attend the Basic Law Enforcement Academy through the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center.

Special Agent starting salary ranges from $64,620 - $88,752 annually, depending upon your education and experience.

The WSGC has four phases to our hiring process:

Phase 1 - Physical fitness test and written test (conducted by Public Safety Testing)

Phase 2 - Panel interview

Phase 3 – Polygraph exam

Phase 4 - Background Investigation

Phase 5 - Psychological Exam, Medical Exam, Drug test.

Once you complete the Personal History Statement, the next step in the process is completing an online application through You can create an application profile on by clicking the "Apply Now" button at the top of the page.

If your PHS is not complete and available to us at the time we review candidates for a panel interview, you will not be considered for that hiring cycle. There will be some time that lapses between completing your tests and the panel interview – you should spend that time preparing for the interview and hiring process.

Current Military – Please do not apply until you are within six (6) months of your ETS date. Please contact the WSGC Human Resources Division (HRD) if you have any questions.

Physical Ability Testing (PAT) – All Gambling Special Agent applicants are required to take and pass the PAT unless you hold a current commissioned law enforcement certification. If you hold a current commissioned law enforcement certification, please choose, and apply for the Lateral position.

Salary Information

Special Agent starting salary ranges from $64,620 - $88,752 annually, depending upon your education and experience.

Benefit Information

Of course, we offer EXCELLENT employment benefits including medical and dental, life insurance, paid leave, and several retirement options.

In addition to the benefits listed above, Gambling Special Agents have the following benefits:

  • Agency furnished equipment, including firearm and take home vehicle. 
  • Flexible work schedule of 160 hours within a 28-day work period.
  • Paid law enforcement training and broad developmental opportunities, including a tuition reimbursement program.

Washington State Gambling Commission - Regulation and Enforcement Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT) Yes, required

Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

PST Personal History Statement Yes, required within 14 days of passing required exam(s)  
Minimum Age 21
Citizenship US Citizen / Lawful Permanent Resident / DACA-Recipient
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Must have a valid license accepted by Washington State.
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult No adult felony convictions at any time.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile Not normally, but can be reviewed depending on circumstance.
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Basic Law Enforcement Academy Certification


Multiple Scores from Same Applicant We only consider the most recent score
Request/Access Scores On an as-needed basis as vacancies occur

Washington State Gambling Commission - Regulation and Enforcement Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier

Have no DUI convictions within the last three years, or a substantial accumulation of driving violations which indicates a disregard for rules and regulations.

Drug Usage

No use or possession of illegal narcotics or controlled substances:

  • Drug Free - No use of any illegal drugs within the three (3) year period immediately preceding appointment.
  • Marijuana/THC - No use within six (6) months immediately preceding appointment and use limited to experimentation. 
  • Amphetamines, Cocaine, Opiates, and Hallucinogens - No use within the seven (7) year period immediately preceding appointment and use limited to experimentation.
Automatic Have not displayed a pattern of illegal use or misuse of prescription medication within the three (3) year period prior to appointment.
Criminal Activity
Automatic Have no felony convictions.
Automatic Have no misdemeanor convictions related to controlled substances, theft, moral turpitude, fraud, larcey, or crimes of violence within the last five years.
Automatic Have no convictions for any crime associated with domestic violence.
Automatic Have no DUI convictions within the last three years, or a substantial accumulation of driving violations which indicates a disregard for rules and regulations.
Potential Refrain from excessive alcohol consumption.
Automatic Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Automatic Falsified his or her application, personal history questionnaire, or any other forms during hiring process.
Potential Current credit accounts, or unresolved accounts in collection will be carefully reviewed.


The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Washington State Gambling Commission - Tribal Gaming Agent

Last updated on February 21, 2025
PST Partner Agency since October 17, 2019

Important Information

Thank you for considering our department.

Currently, we do not anticipate hiring in the near future, however, should we experience any unexpected vacancies, we will immediately access our candidate list and begin a hiring process.

For that reason, we still welcome you to test for our agency.

Important Information Related to PST’s New Written Exam Beginning March 1, 2025

Our agency will continue to accept candidates from the current test (administered before February 28, 2025) until June 1, 2025.

If you are scheduled to test before February 28, 2025, RESCHEDULE FOR A DATE AFTER MARCH 1, 2025. Rescheduling fees have been waived.

If you have not yet registered for a test, please schedule a test date after March 1, 2025.

Community Information


Department Information

Agents assigned to this unit are based throughout the state and partner with Tribal representatives.  Agents work cooperatively with each Tribe's Tribal Gaming Agency to monitor Class III (Nevada/casino style) Tribal gaming activities, conduct criminal investigations, and ensure compact compliance.  Agents also provide training to regulators from within the state and across the country.

Area Information

Population: N/A
# of Staff: 119

Hiring Status

As a Washington State law enforcement officer, Special Agents are required to complete a basic law enforcement academy. If you do not currently hold a law enforcement certification, you will have the opportunity to attend the Basic Law Enforcement Academy through the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center.

Special Agent starting salary ranges from $64,056 - $88,332 annually, depending upon your education and experience.

The WSGC has four phases to our hiring process:

Phase 1 - Physical fitness test and written test (conducted by Public Safety Testing)

Phase 2 - Panel interview

Phase 3 – Polygraph exam

Phase 4 - Background Investigation

Phase 5 - Psychological Exam, Medical Exam, Drug test.

Once you complete the Personal History Statement, the next step in the process is completing an online application through You can create an application profile on by clicking the "Apply Now" button at the top of the page.

If your PHS is not complete and available to us at the time we review candidates for a panel interview, you will not be considered for that hiring cycle. There will be some time that lapses between completing your tests and the panel interview – you should spend that time preparing for the interview and hiring process.

Current Military – Please do not apply until you are within six (6) months of your ETS date. Please contact the WSGC Human Resources Division (HRD) if you have any questions.

Physical Ability Testing (PAT) – All Gambling Special Agent applicants are required to take and pass the PAT unless you hold a current commissioned law enforcement certification. If you hold a current commissioned law enforcement certification, please choose, and apply for the Lateral position.

Salary Information

Special Agent starting salary ranges from $64,056 - $88,332 annually, depending upon your education and experience.

Benefit Information

Of course, we offer EXCELLENT employment benefits including medical and dental, life insurance, paid leave, and several retirement options.

In addition to the benefits listed above, Gambling Special Agents have the following benefits:

  • Agency furnished equipment, including firearm and take home vehicle. 
  • Flexible work schedule of 160 hours within a 28-day work period.
  • Paid law enforcement training and broad developmental opportunities, including a tuition reimbursement program.

Washington State Gambling Commission - Tribal Gaming Agent Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT) Yes, required

Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

PST Personal History Statement Yes, required within 14 days of passing required exam(s)  
Minimum Age 21
Citizenship US Citizen / Lawful Permanent Resident / DACA-Recipient
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Must have a valid license accepted by Washington State.
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult No adult felony convictions at any time.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile Not normally, but can be reviewed depending on circumstance.
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Basic Law Enforcement Academy Certification


Multiple Scores from Same Applicant We only consider the most recent score
Request/Access Scores On an as-needed basis as vacancies occur

Washington State Gambling Commission - Tribal Gaming Agent Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier

Have no DUI convictions within the last three years, or a substantial accumulation of driving violations which indicates a disregard for rules and regulations.

Drug Usage

No use or possession of illegal narcotics or controlled substances:

  • Drug Free - No use of any illegal drugs within the three (3) year period immediately preceding appointment.
  • Marijuana - No use within six (6) months immediately preceding appointment and use limited to experimentation.
  • Amphetamines, Cocaine, and Opiates - No use within the five (5) year period immediately preceding appointment and use limited to experimentation.
  • Hallucinogens - No use within the ten (10) year period immediately preceding appointment and use limited to experimentation.
Criminal Activity
Automatic Have no felony convictions.
Automatic Have no misdemeanor convictions related to controlled substances, theft, moral turpitude, fraud, larcey, or crimes of violence within the last five years.
Automatic Have no convictions for any crime associated with domestic violence.
Automatic Have no DUI convictions within the last three years, or a substantial accumulation of driving violations which indicates a disregard for rules and regulations.
Potential Refrain from excessive alcohol consumption.
Automatic Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Automatic Falsified his or her application, personal history questionnaire, or any other forms during hiring process.
Potential Current credit accounts, or unresolved accounts in collection will be carefully reviewed.