Law Enforcement Officer Position

Lakewood Police Department - Police Officer



The information herein is provided by the respective agency and is only as accurate and as up-to-date as the agency representative(s) update this information. PST is not responsible for the veracity of this data as it is provided directly from the agency. It is ultimately the applicant's responsibility to verify any information about the agency with the agency.

Lakewood Police Department - Police Officer

Last updated on March 25, 2025
PST Partner Agency since March 22, 2017

Vacancies: 2

Important Information

Important Information Related to PST’s New Written Exam Beginning March 1, 2025

Our agency will transition to PST's new written exam scores on March 1, 2025. We are anticipating several vacancies in 2025 and, therefore establishing a new entry-level police officer eligibility list in May of 2025.

Community Information

Incorporated in 1996, Lakewood is the second-largest city in Pierce County and the 18th-largest in the state of Washington. It is the host community to Joint Base Lewis-McChord, the largest joint base on the West Coast and one of the largest in the U.S. Lakewood is strategically located along the Interstate 5 corridor. It borders JBLM, Camp Murray (home to the Washington National Guard) and Tacoma, and is situated a short drive from Seattle and Olympia. Lakewood also is a hub for activity at the Ports of Tacoma, Olympia and Seattle. 

Department Information

Lakewood’s 21st Century department has 120 staff members - 101 commissioned, 2 Community Service Officers, 2 Court Compliance Officers, 2 Animal Control Officers, 3 Code Enforcement Officers, and 5 civilian support staff. Lakewood is one of the largest departments in the State of Washington. To successfully counter crime challenges, the Department operates a large array of programs and employs modern technology to expand its reach and efficiency. Lakewood offers all of the services and opportunities of “big” departments while maintaining focus on employee development and commitment to citizens. The result is a department that is flexible and efficient and best able to meet the needs of Lakewood, a diverse community of nearly 60,000 people with all of the public safety challenges of larger, urban communities.

Area Information

County: Pierce
Population: 60,000
# of Staff: 101

Hiring Status

Lakewood Police Department - Police Officer has 2 vacancies.

Salary Information

$6,836-$9,088 Monthly 

Benefit Information


Step increases are granted upon completion of 12 months of actual service until the maximum of the salary range is reached. A maximum of 10% of professional development pay is available to qualifying employees.

HOLIDAYS Employees accrue and take holidays on a basis equivalent to the employee's regularly assigned shift hours. The following are recognized holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Veterans' Day, Christmas Day, M.L. King, Jr. Day, Independence Day, Presidents' Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and the day after Thanksgiving.

Patrol Officers currently work 10.67 hr shifts on a 28 day pay cycle.

ANNUAL LEAVE (PTO - PAID TIME OFF) Annual leave is a benefit granted to employees to continue normal compensation during approved absences and is intended to encompass both vacation and medical leave. Annual leave is not available during the first 60 days of employment except for illness. Leave may be accumulated for succeeding years with a maximum accrual of 1400 hours; however, at the end of the calendar year, the amount carried forward into the new year shall not exceed 1200 hours.

Accrual Rate:

1st Year                                                   216 hours per year

Year 2 through 4                                       240 hours per year

Year 5 through 9                                       264 hours per year

Year 10 through 14                                    288 hours per year

Year 15 through 20                                    312 hours per year

After 20 years                                           336 hours per year

SHARED LEAVE If an employee exhausts all paid leave, they may be eligible to receive donated leave to cover an unpaid absence caused by illness or injury.

MILITARY LEAVE Employees who are members of any federal military reserve unit or the Washington National Guard will receive up to twenty-one working days of paid leave during each year beginning October 1 and ending September 30, while engaged in active training duty or active duty.

The City will maintain continuity of health benefits to employees' families when employees are ordered to involuntary active military duty. Military differential pay is available during active military duty of more than 30 days and for no longer than 24 months.

JURY DUTY LEAVE Employees will be paid their regular compensation while serving on jury duty provided they forfeit the juror's daily stipend to the City.

RETIREMENT PLAN Employees and the City make contributions to the Washington Department of Retirement Systems' LEOFF Plan.

Under Social Security's Government Pension Offset, any Social Security spouse's or widow's or widower's benefits you may be entitled to will be reduced based on any pension you receive from the City's retirement plan.

SOCIAL SECURITY REPLACEMENT In lieu of Social Security, the City provides an alternative plan through the ICMA Retirement Corporation. The employee contributes 6.20% and the City contributes 4.77% of the employee's salary. The employee's investment choices range from conservative (low risk) to aggressive (high risk) opportunities. Employees are immediately 100% vested in the plan.

Under Social Security's Windfall Elimination Provision, any Social Security retirement or disability benefits you may be entitled to will be reduced based on any pension you receive from this replacement plan.

VOLUNTARY 457 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN Participation in a 457 deferred compensation plan is available to employees through payroll deduction. This is an optional investment program offered through the ICMA Retirement Corporation or Washington Department of Retirement Systems. The City matches an employee's contribution up to 6% of the employee's base monthly pay rate.

VOLUNTARY FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT The Flexible Spending Account (IRS Section 125) is an optional tax savings program which is offered to employees annually. It allows employees to reduce taxable income by using part of their salary on a pretax basis to pay for out of pocket health care expenses and dependent care costs.

MEDICAL INSURANCE During the first year of employment, employees are required to enroll in the High Deductible Health Plan unless precluded by a documented, ongoing medical condition or if covered by insurance outside of the City.

Three medical plans are offered to employees and dependents through the Association of Washington Cities (AWC):

• Regence High Deductible Health Plan with Health Savings Account. The City pays 100% of the premium for the employee and dependents, and makes contributions to the Health Savings Account.

• Regence HealthFirst 250 Plan. The City pays 100% of the premium for the employee and 86% of the premium for dependents.

• Kaiser 200 Plan. The City pays 100% of the premium for the employee and 86% of the premium for dependents.

Employees may be eligible to opt out of medical insurance coverage to receive a $1,500 annualized contribution to their deferred compensation account and/or flexible spending (IRS Section 125) account.

EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is paid for by the City, and is a voluntary, confidential resource available to employees, dependents and household members. The EAP provides professional counseling assistance in addressing a variety of concerns ranging from substance abuse to relationship issues.

VISION INSURANCE A separate vision plan provides for annual eye examinations for employees and dependents. A $25 deductible benefit is also provided for lenses, frames and contact lenses.

DENTAL INSURANCE Washington Dental Service (WDS) Plan E insurance is provided through AWC. The City pays the entire premium cost for employees and dependents. This is an incentive based plan - 70% to 100% of Class I and Class II benefits (routine exams, basic cleaning, x-rays, fillings, etc.) are covered. Class III benefits (crowns, inlays and onlays) are paid at 50%. The dental plan pays a maximum of $2,000 per individual annually for covered benefits per incentive period (a calendar year). A separate orthodontia plan provides a one time orthodontia benefit of $1,000 for eligible children.

SURVIVOR INCOME LIFE INSURANCE A monthly survivor income benefit is paid to an employee's eligible spouse and children upon the employee's death. Prior to any reduction for Social Security survivor's benefits, a benefit amount equal to 30% of the employee's insured earnings is paid to the spouse or children, and 60% is paid if both spouse and children survive.

LIFE/ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT INSURANCE The City provides basic life insurance/accidental death and dismemberment insurance through Standard Insurance. The basic life insurance benefit is equal to the employee's annual salary rounded up to the next thousand to a maximum of $100,000. An additional life insurance benefit is provided through the Washington State Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The benefit is $15,000 for loss of life and $85,000 for accidental death and dismemberment.

DISABILITY INSURANCE Short and long term disability insurance is provided through the Washington State FOP. The plan has a 29 day elimination period for off the job injuries and a 180 day elimination period for on the job injuries. The benefit amount is 66.67% of regular pay, to a maximum benefit of $7,500 monthly.


SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE Employees may apply for $30,000 to $300,000 in supplemental term life insurance coverage. Spouses may also be insured. Premiums are paid entirely by the employee.

SHORT TERM DISABILITY (STD) Short term disability insurance provides benefit payments to help replace lost income when an employee is disabled due to a non-occupational accident or illness. Pregnancy or its complications are covered provided enrollment in STD insurance is prior to conception. Benefits are payable for a maximum of 13 weeks. This benefit is offered to employees at the time of hire and annually thereafter.

ADDITIONAL INSURANCE PLANS Additional insurance plans are available to employees through AFLAC, such as accident/disability, cancer, STD, dental and hospital intensive care.

Lakewood Police Department - Police Officer Requirements

Category Requirement Required at time of...
    Test Hire
Written Examination Yes, required
LEO/CO Physical Ability Test (PAT) Yes, required

Your physical ability test must be completed 180 days (~6 months) before or after your passing written exam.

PST Personal History Statement Our agency requires a PHS but not PST's. If you are only testing for our agency, you do not need to complete a PST PHS.  
Minimum Age 21
Citizenship US Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.
High School Grad/ GED Yes
Driver's License Required Yes
Felony Conviction(s) as an Adult None.
Felony Conviction(s) as a Juvenile None.
Ability to Read, Speak & Write the English Language Yes
Veterans Preference Points Yes
Request/Access Scores On an as-needed basis as vacancies occur

Lakewood Police Department - Police Officer Disqualifiers

The following are automatic and potential disqualifiers. Applicants should not apply to our agency if they indicate any of the automatic disqualifiers. Potential disqualifiers will be considered on a case by case basis.

Category Disqualifier

The following driving standards represent the maximum allowable violations of driving laws and must not exceed six (6) total points in the last 36 months. As part of the background investigation each candidate’s driving record will be obtained and reviewed. Other driving offenses not listed here will be assessed point values on a case by case basis.

Revocation of driver’s license 8
Denial of issuance of driver’s license 8
Negligent homicide 8
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs 8
Reckless driving (involving an accident) 8
Reckless driving (no accident involved) 6
Negligent driving (involving an accident) 6
Negligent driving (no accident involved) 4
Hit and run (attended) 8
Hit and run (unattended) 6
Driving while driver’s license suspended 4
Speeding in excess of the posted limit:
0-14 Over = 2 points
15-19 Over = 3 points
20-25 Over = 6 points
Over 26 = 8 points
Convictions or forfeitures (paid fines) for other moving violations involving an accident 4
Convictions or forfeitures for other moving violations each violation not involving an accident 2
Drug Usage

DRUG FREE: It is common for candidates to have experimented with or occasionally used substances in their past. The following standards reflect the maximum allowable uses of these illegal drugs. Any uses over the allowed standards are automatically disqualifying. Each category mentioned below includes all derivatives of these controlled substances. With the exception of marijuana, each applicant must be drug free for a minimum of three (3) years prior to application. Your stated past drug usage will be confirmed by a background investigation and a polygraph examination.

Amphetamines: Cocaine:
No use within the last five (5) years No use for the last five (5) years

Steroids: Hallucinogens:
Use within the last five (5) years will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis No use for the last five (5) years

Marijuana: Opiates:
No use within the last twelve (12) months
No use within the last five (5) years

NOTE: While this list is not all inclusive, use of any controlled substance not listed here will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Criminal Activity
Automatic Any adult felony conviction.

Adult misdemeanor convictions of moral turpitude (any conviction will be carefully reviewed).

Automatic Been convicted of any crime under a domestic violence statue.
Automatic Unlawful sexual misconduct.
Automatic Withdrawn from consideration for any (law enforcement/fire/corrections/dispatch) employment because of the following reason: Untruthfulness.
Automatic Been dishonorably discharged from the United States armed forces.
Automatic Lied during any stage of the hiring process.
Automatic Falsified his or her application, personal history questionnaire, or any other forms during hiring process.
Automatic Previous revocation or denial of (CJTC/POST) certified status, or suspension of current (CJTC/POST) certified status.
Automatic Failure to pay income tax or child support.
Potential Current credit accounts, or unresolved accounts in collection will be carefully reviewed.